A well dressed lady was hitchhiking at a bus stop. She was probably late for something. I stopped the car. ‘Where are you going?’ We were going to the same mall. She had lost the bus and was late for work. We had a nice chat during the ride. We were mostly talking about hitchhiking and work. I wished her luck with finding a new job and she thanked me for the ride when she left the car.
A few weeks ago another lady asked for a ride. I was on a ferry working on my lap top. ‘Do you by any chance have a car and can I go with you?’ she asked me ‘I have to go to work and there is no bus at this time.’ I looked a bit surprised by the question, but told her ‘of course’ even if I actually would have enjoyed some time alone in the car. It was early in the morning.
She was an interesting character. I must say. When she jumped out of my car 20 minutes later I knew all kinds of stuff about her. I had asked her a few questions and commented on some of her stories. She didn’t ask me one question. Not one. But she is interested in her students I can tell.
Reading the New Testament I find that Jesus asking people all kinds of questions. And people were asking him questions. Good questions are one of the keys to a good conversation.
Jesus ‘disciples had an interesting discussion one day. When they came back where Jesus was he asked them:
«What was it you disputed among yourselves on the road?»
He was interested and still is.