Lately I have been speaking to heartbroken people. Just people I know that have shared the pain of different kinds of heartbreak. I totally understand, feel compassion and at the same time completely useless in terms of helping. I can only let the story and tears come, listen and then point to a greater perspective, share a few thoughts that have helped me in similar situations and then agree to stand together through this. I believe in that; Standing together. The feeling of standing alone is devastating.
I also believe in something else, something greater and someone greater. The facts are still the same, the situation hasn’t changed, but there is going to be a change because I know the creator of heaven and earth and the one who can mend a broken heart.
Alicia Keys sings:
“Have you ever tried sleeping with a broken heart?
Well you could try to sleeping in my bed
Lonely, own me, nobody ever shut it down like you”
There are loads of people with this condition and similar feelings and experience. Also loneliness seems to be one of the biggest diseases in our modern society. Are we all left alone? Should we just give in to this or are there ways out, around and above all these things?
One of the prophets is describing how much God cares for the ones with sorrow and grief in their heart and spirit:
‘I dwell in the high and holy place, With him who has a contrite and humble spirit, To revive the spirit of the humble, And to revive the heart of the contrite ones.’
I’ll let Alicia sing the last phrase here:
“…So, tonight I’m gonna find a way to make it without you…”