
It is boring to be bored. It is extremely sad to be sad. It is fun to be funny.

I once read an article online about the benefits of boredom. It is said to be fruitful because it makes you creative. So boredom is supposedly something that should be useful, and I should feel happy, but it only makes me feel even more bored. At the top of this I think I am boring and I might even bore others with these thoughts.

It is interesting to realize that this is a new word. You don’t find it in the Bible. Actually some research has led me to find that this word wasn’t used until the nineteen century. And then it was said to be a sin. Imagine that. The reason for this: Boredom leads to dangerous decisions. People get desperate; they invent new lethal weapons, write new crazy ideas and jump from planes.

Even if it is dangerous I think it is smart to let both grown-ups and children get bored every now and then these days. We need to develop our creativity, and then of course, the creativity should to some degree be supervised to avoid the most dangerous results.

I do get new ideas when I am bored, but I also do try to test them on the source, or try to think about both the source of the idea and the consequences of doing something with the idea. Maybe God was bored when he created the heavens and the earth?

«In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.»

And then he must have had a lot of fun.

God's Hand

Photo taken by NASA’s space-based Chandra Observatory telescope.

5 tanker om “Boring

  1. That is very helpful. It presented me a number of ideas and I’ll be placing them on my blog eventually. I’m bookmarking your website and I’ll be back. Thank you again!

  2. Eg som IKKJE kryssa av på «kjeder seg lett» på personlighetstesten… Vurderte eit kryss, men tenkte at du kjeder deg ikkje lettare enn andre. Men det er jo kanskje derfor du er så kreativ og nytenkande. Det fikk eg iallefall med på den øverste delen av testen.
    Ha ein god dag! Klem!

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