Yesterday I was driving in the wind and rain when I suddenly decided to make a stop. I hit the brakes, turned right and stopped by the road. With the doors open and the car stereo on full blast both of us jumped out and started jumping and dancing in the rain. It was great fun and probably also entertaining for the cars passing; the cars that we actually met on the ferry a few minutes later when I come to think of it.
In my car I have this direction indicator in my mirror telling me which orientation the car has. N is telling me north, NE north east and so on. Every time I look in my rear mirror I am reminded of what direction I am heading for. This is good! Actually I will start thinking like this about my history as well. Every time I pick up old stories in my memory I will try to remember that I am heading for something else and moving away from the past. The past i still back there, but I will be heading for the future. I’m not neglecting my history or throwing away everything in the past. I’m just not going to keep on keeping the negative thoughts.
Sometimes it is also difficult to know which direction to take. That also demands some kind of a direction indicator.
Isaiah had this prophecy for the people in Jerusalem once;
Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”
By the car we were dancing to Dolly Parton’s gospel song ‘High and mighty’:
So if you’ve lost direction
Stop and just look up
Ooh, mighty is His power, mighty is His love
Fun! I´ll dance with you any day, dear! 😀